
Apr 25, 2016

30 Ways Chernobyl is Killing Us All

April 26 marks the 30th anniversary of the catastrophic explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.  

Apr 25, 2016

30 Ways Chernobyl is Killing Us All

April 26 marks the 30th anniversary of the catastrophic explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.  

May 4, 2015

Join Us: Malibu Library, this Saturday, 4/9: 11:30am

What if a huge tsunami -- like the one at Fukushima --
hit Diablo Canyon's Nuclear Reactors,
just 160 miles north of Malibu?

It could happen . . .
And we're downwind so the consequences would affect us all

Mar 30, 2015

36 Years of TMI's Lethal Lies ...& Counting

The lies that killed people at Three Mile Island 36 years ago on March 28, 1979 are still being told at Chernobyl, Fukushima, Diablo Canyon, Davis-Besse ... and at TMI itself.


As the first major reactor accident that was made known to the public is sadly commemorated, and as the global nuclear industry collapses, let's count just 36 tip-of-the iceberg ways the nuclear industry's radioactive legacy continues to fester:

Mar 10, 2014

Fasting for Fukushima

By Harvey Wasserman, Jill Stein & David Swanson


Fasting can be a way of mourning, of cleansing, of meditation, of focus.

On Tuesday, 3/11, the third anniversary of the beginning of the disaster at Fukushima, we will abstain from food from dawn til dusk.

Our purpose is tied to the atomic disaster that continues to threaten life on earth.

Mar 6, 2014

The USS Reagan is Fukushima's "Unlucky Dragon"

Sixty years ago this week, a misfired hydrogen bomb test plastered with lethal radiation the Japanese fishing boat Daigo Fukuryu Maru-"Lucky Dragon"-and its 23-man crew. The March 1, 1954, test, code-named Castle Bravo, spewed a deadly ash cloud into wrongly predicted winds, contaminating a huge swath of the Pacific Ocean.


Feb 2, 2014

50 Reasons to Fear the Worst from Fukushima




[This is the first in a two part series]

Fukushima's missing melted cores and radioactive gushers continue to fester in secret.

Japan's harsh dictatorial censorship has been matched by a global corporate media blackout aimed-successfully-at keeping Fukushima out of the public eye.

But that doesn't keep the actual radiation out of our ecosystem, our markets ... or our bodies.


Dec 11, 2013

Japan's Deadly New Fukushima Fallout


Fukushima continues to spew out radiation. The quantities seem to be rising, as do the impacts.

The site has been infiltrated by organized crime. There are horrifying signs of ecological disaster in the Pacific and human health impacts in the United States ( http://www.nukefree.org/chris-busby-fukushimas-impact-californias-childr... ).

But within Japan, a new State Secrets Act makes such talk punishable by up to ten years in prison.

Dec 4, 2013

Stop Japan's Fukushima Censorship


At a critically dangerous moment, Japan is poised to take a giant step toward officially shrouding Fukushima in the deepest possible secrecy.

At least two petitions are being circulated in opposition (www.nukefree.org).

One is addressed to the Japanese government and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (http://www.nukefree.org/stop-japans-fukushima-secrets-act ).

Oct 9, 2013

14,000 Hiroshimas Still Swing in the Fukushima Air


Japan's pro-nuclear Prime Minister has finally asked for global help at Fukushima.

It probably hasn't hurt that more than 100,000 people have signed petitions calling for a global takeover ( linked here at www.nukefree.org); more than 8,000 have viewed a new YouTube on it ( http://www.nukefree.org/eon-films-world-action-now-fukushima ).

Massive quantities of heavily contaminated water are pouring into the Pacific Ocean, dousing workers along the way. Hundreds of huge, flimsy tanks are leaking untold tons of highly radioactive fluids.